
The earth today is populated by more than seven billion humans. Emerging infectious diseases are increasing, causing losses to human lives as well as huge costs to society. Many factors are contributing to disease emergence including climate change, globalization and urbanization.

Spectrum Biocides
Spectrum Biocides Pvt. Ltd

Most of these factors are to some extent caused by humans. Pathogens may be more or less prone to emergence in themselves and rapidly mutating viruses are more common among the emerging pathogens.

Multiple studies indicate that the common types of adverse events affecting hospitalized patients are adverse drug events, HCAIs (Health Care Associated infections), and surgical complications.

The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention identifies that nearly 6% of patients world over hospitalized patients annually acquire HCAIs while being treated for other health issues and that more than 1.5% patients die due to these.

HCAIs are a major safety concern for both health care providers and the patients. Considering morbidity, mortality, increased length of stay and the cost, efforts should be made to make the health care centers as safe as possible by preventing such infections.

HCAIs can be prevented by removing sources of infection i.e treating infections, following proper decontamination procedures, prevent transfer of pathogens with good hand hygiene and aseptic procedures.

Concurrence to the above facts and the need for developing products which can control & prevent potential risk of infections.

Spectrum Biocides India Pvt. Ltd. has been established with an aim of research, innovation, development and marketing of various effective products dealing with infection control and preventing associated risks.